HydraDX — Stakenet Phase One — HDX Claim step-by-step tutorial

Stakenode - Polkadot Validator
4 min readMar 8, 2021

HydraDX Stakenet has come. Here is the first step — HydraDX $HDX native token claim step-by-step tutorial. Let’s Hydrate it!

Before You will start Your claim be sure You are prepared with the required claim setup and go to the claim webpage — https://claim.hydradx.io/

Connect to Polkadot.js and next to Your Metamask account, check Your balance of $HDX to claim and wallet address.

Connect HydraDX account. Here You should see such a message as You do not have any existing HydraDX account connected.

Open polkadot.js extension and “Create a new account”. Store Your mnemonic seed and password safely, as those are the most vulnerable data for Your account.

When creating Your account, please change to HydraDX Stakenet.

Name Your account, put and set a password. When an account will be created, select it and You will see the popup matching two account addresses — Metamask account and Your new HydraDX account address.

Click Next and You will see such an informational window — You can see that the wallet address stated here is different than Your wallet address.

This is a problem of ss58 unfortunately as you can’t send tokens to the “container” address you see in the UI. It’s not usable in the node itself and there is no function to work with it in the Substrate.

Click “Sign” and Metamask will popup, asking to sign the transaction. Do sign and the address in the claim window will mark “Pink” as confirmed and You will be ready to Claim

Click “Claim” and the polkadot.js extension will pop up, asking for password confirmation. Confirm with Your password

Wait until the transaction will confirm in the blockchain and You are done.

To check Your $HDX Balance go to https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frpc-01.snakenet.hydradx.io#/accounts. You should see Your new account with a $HDX balance.

After you claim your native $HDX tokens on the HydraDX chain, you would be able to nominate Stakenode validator nodes, to receive more $HDX in the coming Incentivised Testnet period.

For all of You interested in validating the HydraDX network, system requirements, node setup instructions, and most important, staking info will be explained in separate articles.

“The real price of everything, what everything costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it”

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Stakenode is supporting HydraDX from an early stage of community development and will be one of the first validators for the HydraDX network.

If You find Stakenode’s commitment to the HydraDX community and the Polkadot ecosystem in general vital and valuable, please feel free to donate to our future development. All grants and funds are only be used for community development tools.

$DOT account: 13QsbZRkG77HJMU2KJ9BQMQiDHcpbr3gYiJ7PuH8v3PtYXaX

$KSM account: HjxiFiLs9fEP1mbhYhqxPjheFRN49VDQWykgXMR5RDY6Xmh


